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For the note:

 Russian bath-house, Poltava

On a restaurant-hotel complex territory in Poltava near a wood there are two Russian bath-houses with two halls, pools and summerhouses where you can give the whole complex of improving procedures: various massages, piling, wrapping up.

How is Russian bath-house arranged and in what way it differs from others? Firstly, traditional rural bath-houses are completely wooden. In modern bath-houses at least steam-room is finished by wood and equipped by several benches. Temperature is from 60° C, and up to 90-100° Ñ. And the main distinguishing feature of Russian bath-house is a great amount of steam which makes it unique and special.

Air humidity is regulated very simply - by pouring on the stone of the furnace boiling water from a small scoop. The connoisseurs of bath-house strictly measure out portions of water to 50 grams. And finally the main attribute of Russian bath-house is besom. Steaming with a besom is a real art. The list of illnesses cured by these besoms is incredibly long: cold, skin diseases, metabolic disturbances, digestion problems, cardiovascular diseases. Certainly, bath-house is no panacea, but our ancestors quite successfully replaced pharmacy by it.

Thanks to steam sweat does not evaporate, unlike sauna effect, and due to increased blood circulation internal tissues begin to be warmed up. Naturally, after a steam room organism urgently needs cooling. It is possible to cool down in a pool with cold water. Than to hot steam room again. That's magnificent vessel training!

The price list for residing and services in restaurant - hotel complex "Gluhoman"

Phone: +38 0532 570 790

Phone mob: +380 066 007 6556

Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava Russian bath in Poltava
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